The increase in Familiar relationships brings advantages to Spellcaster Sims.
Being around Familiars increases the Relationship with Perk points so you should summon them often.All of a Sim's familiars are added to a hidden relationship that counts.Summoned Familiars give Sims a 50% Spellcaster experience boost and a gift.The Sims 4 Realm of Magic game pack comes with Familiars which are helpful creatures that can protect your Spellcaster Sim and give them magical energy regeneration. Players can have any animal as their Familiar companion when the Cats and Dogs game pack is installed, giving them access to a wider range of creatures to play with. Compatible with LittleMsSam’s More Servings Options Mod.Requires Spellbook Injector Mod by r3m/Simsonian Library.Compatible with all game Packs and Custom Foods.Includes new optional spells and add-ons, like the ability to improve items with simply a hand wave and to prevent autonomous spell use.If your Sim has a higher skill level the created food will be of Outstanding quality.
There are 5 interaction Menus to choose foods and drinks to conjure up. What's Fun About Improved Practical Spells: By making it simpler to complete household tasks and care for your Sim family, these spell enhancements will enhance the quality of life for your Sim. Three spells have upgrades: Scuberooo, which makes things or people clean, Repairio, which improves the quality of damaged things, and Delicioso, which conjures up food out of thin air. This mod modifies and enhances certain Realm of Magic game bundle spells. There are 2 optional NPC add-ons: One that removes DarkForm from NPCs when they are instanced and one that gives NPCs buffs. The Eat Human Food power also fills up Vampire’s hunger motive. The powers either enable or disable buffs for a certain amount of days. What's Fun About Vampire Powers | “Be able to eat Human Food” and More: Your Vampire can also be sustained by food, so you don't have to rely just on plasma. These enable vampires to see their own reflection in a mirror and grow immune to sunlight, as well as to consume human cuisine without throwing up. New vampire abilities are added to the Pie Menu by LittleMsSam's mod. The mods we have included down below add new components to the game that you will enjoy! 15- Vampire Powers | “Be able to eat Human Food” and More However, some of these packs have limitations to what a Sim can do as an occult and that's where these mods come in. Using game and expansion packs, players can add these occult to their Sim’s world and discover new objects, builds, character creation, and more. The Sims 4 game refers to the supernatural as occults, which are a category of beings and phenomena that defy natural rules and scientific knowledge. Top 15 Sims 4 Best Supernatural Mods That Are Fun